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Two Birds and a Monarch

Summer Solstice, 2022

There was another message given onto me prior to the “summer solstice” season and yesterday after a short trip to a countryside, there was a conclusive message about Order. First, I realized I shared a lot of spiritual insights on recent events and not my artistic nature. I wanted to start by saying there are new collections of designs that are going to be released next month.

New collections come with a focal point on nature and royalty. In the beginning of August of 2022, I focus on unfolding the emblems of AEther Benders in sackcloth. In the Book of Life, it talks about the armor or breastplates of Spiritual Beings (Celestial or Archangels). The new collection is answering the call of wearing our celestial armor. But within my mission I also answer the call of my Matriarchal blood.

You see, I just now realized that it also aligned with what I am about to talk about – the power of two birds (duality). The first rainy season of May, I was out watching a fat American Robin (bird). When I say fat, I mean very plumy. So, I observed the bird with care and joy. I heard a spirit voice talking about “patience.” At that time, the lesson of patience was not the main highlight. It was just given at the time for embedding or encryption.

Before I continue, I must also remind ye spiritual walkers that there are some lessons in our path is right on time ahead of schedule. In other words, some messages must be broken down in sections and have a little gap in between to protect us from spiritual attacks.

Anyways, the American Robin was so fat that she did not fly or hop to look for food. She stood still and her head tilts very diligently as if she were listening very carefully of motions of bugs or worms. The Spirit voice said, that is why she is fat. She is wise and waited for a motion – the right time to attack. I of course smiled and understood what I observed. I also acknowledged her motherly duty. She has chicks hiding safely in our garage. That was my first bird of the season. Mind you, I have encountered several other birds in my past walk, but each animal or bird carries representations along with seasons. See, for another person who called herself an oracle, I caught two critter guides that stumbled across her path which is an albino locust and those big spiders. I did not say, think or compute anymore of it. I am only addressing my endowments to nature around us.

So, now I have a very distinctive encounter with a rare bird on my way to a second mission. That bird was pure white (albino), and that bird was positioned to catch my attention...

Then, finally yesterday there was a monarch butterfly that came out of nowhere and tried to give me a kiss. I admit I freaked out because when it came out of nowhere, it looked like a large soft furred bird fluttered in my face. And poor Rasta Man, my shining king, always coming to my rescue assuring me that it is ok, and said it is just a butterfly. I smiled but with a small regret. I did not mean to project the frequency of being startled or frightened. I was in immediately in a defensive mode. Being kissed by a butterfly at the lake is my first experience.

Keep in mind that spiritual ascents are experiencing ocular shift within our eyesight. What is small is big and what's big is small. Also, the distance between point a to point b is also in the appearance of close-up.

At last, later the very same day as the butterfly incident, while we were roaming through the countryside, I heard a spirit voice talking about “racism will never die.” Of course, I’ve seen some things that are obvious, but I was not angered by their choice of lifestyle. We were just observing the scenery and detecting any abnormalities or new constructs.

As I was listening to the Spirit of Life, it gave me specific recollections of American Robin, the Albino Bird, and the Butterfly. In fact, after the cute accident, we proceed to do our walk and I saw something interesting happening to the lake. It is as if I can see the “bottom.” This section of the lake in my eye view was responding in an ethereal way. I went down there and absorbed the energies of the stones, logs, and the water.

We have a photo of that area which will be uploaded to my server later. I am not sure when...

I looked at the lake where the granite stones were broken up into gigantic bulks. It revealed something very ancient but a warring machine. Now again with the conclusive message, I was able to see a better picture from the first bird to “racism never dies.”

Racism never dies is not about black and white type of thing. It is about the corporeal mindset and lifestyle people continue to find themselves plugged into. Racism at this point is equal to systematic displacements. The message made itself clear that systematic displacement is weighing heavier on the “proud boys and those Becky cheerleaders” generation more than Black Negus/Neterus. Yet both share the same fate somehow. Systematic displacements do not sit with just two wings of the same coin but also with authoritative abuse and favoritisms. In the Book of Life, the Creator told us that (S)He does not play favoritism. This is to show you the density of systematic displacements are weighted by persistence and repetition (unrepentant).

Ok, with the message and seeing something in the waters in the same day (two birds with one stone) calls for supernatural dismissal. I am not saying it as allowing this type of mindset to happen and abandon them at the same time. This type of dismissal is like death by a kiss. There will not be any cringing pain felt prior to a person dying from an instant death. In fact, in my past counsel I admitted the act of mercy is seen with Death’s kiss. On the other hand, I cannot dismiss the fact that in the old scripture, it speaks of people won’t have a chance to “repent” and death’s kiss is also lethal for those who are very ignorant with life. The kiss works almost the same as vinery places. A vine can be a good or bad thing. It can either choke you or protect you from adversity.

The interesting part of this ordeal is that it is up to the reader to see it as a good or dreadful thing. What I saw at the countryside, or the truth of its observations did not affect or altered my frequencies. The message is clear to encapsulate the importance of knowing our internal peace – your peace must come with accepting with either your consequences or reward.


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