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The Last Va M Py Ur

Written on January 3, 2023

The Last Va M Py Ur journal was a slow making project which took me about a little more than two months to complete. I started picking up the D Ra Cu L energy once again since late summer of 2022. Each year the D Ra Cu L energy brings me different heights in the lesser spheres of celestial vibrations. This time, I experienced longer duration with D Ra Cu L energy, yet the encounter was very pleasant.

See, for a long time I always knew that the ancient nobles and deities of Kemet were also original “Dracula/Vampires.” I trekked and tracked down the tales that were spoken through blood and with the help of the Great Spirit. It was, and still is not an easy job because secrecy must be bought with ultimate silence and profound observations on the patterns of multiple generations (humanity).

I totally understand the fact that many people consider what I will be revealing to be an abomination or unethical. Some may call me a child of a demon while truth is the exact opposite of what many people were led to believe. Of course, it is a hot trend thinking that the world’s greatest villains may be the softest cuddling grizzly bears and monsters are the sweetest creatures of nature. Humans on the other hand are the vilest beast on earth. It may be true for some but according to the laws of nature, humans are the most destructive animals in existence.

Anyways, I was going back and forth in the scriptures and studying different stations of dark arts to prove what my spiritual eyes have seen. So, this project in making a vampiric journal was the lighthouse of darkness – freeing my mind and seeing things that was overlooked. If it were not for invoking incubus, I would not dig that deep into acquiring blood rituals, especially from a godhead rite.

Indeed, it is true that the history of vampirism was inspired by a few ancestral sabbatical sacrifices. As I understood that it later became corrupted by impurities – the way sacrifices were performed and used. The bottom line in making this altered journal is the hunger for wisdom and loving the celibacy life.

I also found that in understanding D Ra Cu L or Va M Py Ur requires the high self to find our way to love our spiritual and physical virginities. See, to gain true wisdom through the power of Life and Death, we must understand the way we bleed can make peace with the soil of the creation. We cannot have any type of infiltration including elemental mixing or alchemical bending while we are on a secret passage in giving birth to our celestial bodies. True Va M Py Ur or D Ra Cu L are also shapeshifters – some of us can testify to the fact that our soul bodies transcend or transform into different sets of constellations (consciousness).

For one lifetime, I could be a vampire experiencing a low dose of maturity. In another lifetime, I can be an articulate assassin either way, it seems to me at every ascending crossroads there are some types of oil (blood) necessary to fuse the lamp of the soul. We must experience a separate set of consciences of the Mind therefore this is the very reason immortalities must be activated at the end of a death cycle. For clarification, death cycle in this spiritual pilgrimage does not mean decay or outcasted or but as in rebirthing and hibernation.

The Last Va M Py Ur are earth (physical) benders because the elements of earth also require feeding or drink from something to prosper. Few are called to achieve this as Rod Hayes proved my point in his latest interview when he answered a question on incarnation. He said only a few ancient ones can incarnate.

At last, this book is very suitable for a woman who is or assumed to believe that she is initiated by a Lilith energy. Lilith, from a Christ-Conscious perspective, is a 2nd wave of primoradial energy that must be mastered as a 144k student of God-Ascent. In fact, Lilith is the lesser of the 72 classification/personification of “Adam”. I admit, it is not the same experience as absorbing Lilith’s higher counterpart because at one point she was considered a goddess. This means there are multiple dimensions to Lilith’s energy or vibration, physically and mythically.

This journal is also perfect for a woman who is well-versed in poetry and creation but very self-evaluating of her worth. This journal is also great for those who like to add spiritual emblems in between the pages as well blessing the pen to stroke her thoughts into reality.

This design is a very achievable piece of work.


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