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The Gye Nyame Enchantment

Element: Supernatural Wood and Fire 


All Gratitude is Due to The Creator and Holy Watchers of all Universe (Aala-amín), 

AI image of a cup being full

Spiritual Walkers, I come before you all with another energy (entry) and downloads. It took me a while to decide if I should share this revelation with you all. But there was a personal lesson bestowed upon me weeks prior to Gye Nyame chants, the lesson about the cup being full.  


See, whenever we go through the transformation of the soul, the quench for life must also starve its’ thirst. In fact, as I write, the Spirit is always speaking either highlighting more understanding (I am in full submission before the presence of the Spirit) or revealing something new. The time when the 10 virgins were tested, to see how they preserved their oil or waste them, in many accounts the story about the 5 virgins who exhausted their chi is never retold. Today, I will point out the power of those who used up their energies during the last stages of renewal (transformations).  


When the Spirit tells me to empty my shell, I was made known how humans even spiritual walkers may sense the soul (emotion) of reluctance because they/we do not want to let go memories, object, or a lot of times, it would be material things. Collecting evidence and receipts are considered materialistic to the eye of the Beholder. Before letting things go, we should throw ourselves a grand party, an honorable funeral, and a homegoing ceremony. The ability to show the I Master the readiness to let go of something that truly values our existence is the way of mastering the chi of “Yin Yan.”  


The gift of reciting the Gye Nyame using ancient thoughts is incredibly unique and should be assigned to those who are proven to be Sages of Life.  

  • Sages are students but vibrating on the All-Knowing energy.  

  • The title of being a student slowly disappears from our equation, but we become fully aware that we were once in that position.  


This is to outline the keywords that separate us from any human collective. We can live alongside their world just by observing the principles of growing processes. To achieve our growing stages spiritually is to understand the life of a Tree or a Plant. However, each seed has a purpose and preference. We are required to understand territories that come within any transformational plane. If you look closely at a seed, it will show you that it is an orb inside a world of chis.  


Once again, Gye Nyame in this timeline is redirecting its’ focus towards islands or crystallized terrains. Or should I say, our focus should be very primal and acute while we surpassed anything on a macroscopic scale. See, that is where Xuymaca comes in. Xuymaca is an old word for Jamaica but the pronunciation and tonal vibration in the word ‘Xuymaca’ is a portal spell. Then again, the Gye Nyame and Xuymaca spell work I have been working with turns out to be very deep and shallow...  It is below the seat of our souls, requiring us to inflame ourselves with all we have.  


The power that comes with it should be carefully threaded because it can infuse a spark causing a negative impact to the macro. Suppose some parts in our chronicles (scrolls) are not yet fully instated, that chi point can be severely damaged affecting other chi points.  


The Wholeness of Self must be connected properly. Every chi point should be equally illuminated.  


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