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Uncovering the Truth Behind Spiritual Messages in the Super Sonic Frequency War

December 16th, 2023, at 3:27pm 

Bursting Supernova in the Universe
Supernova Energy

Dear Spiritual Adepts, 


Here is another letter from me to you expressing in such a profound and heartfelt matter, concerning our spiritual well-being. This letter is followed by my previous summary, in a nutshell explaining the timeline we are entering. As I type, I heard the Spirit talking about October in December. It is an affirmation of what I will be discussing today.   


My spiritual eyes have seen a lot as of late for the past few days and I intend to gift the messages to those whomever has the ears to hear them. The most important thing that must come to light is understanding the purpose of staying battle ready for all upcoming events.  


My doves, not too long ago around the middle of November (2023) I was in the bathroom minding my own business, I saw this little, tiny young horsefly crawling with its wings fluttering. I knew before I made any rash decision, I observed that the horsefly was a sign or symbol to the statistics of our Hy Ba Ra Nu (Hibernation). Then all sudden I heard the Spirit talking about the spirit of Baal again. While I want you to keep in mind the severity of the times we are in, l must first explain the pulse of war cry and civil war – the signs that come with it.  


I just found out about another movie coming out early Spring of 2024, just 6 months shy of presidential elections called, Civil War. I read the review with minimal interest to watch it, but I took it as a calling for preparedness. For some reason, the movie, Civil War, has a lot to do with the recent release, Leave the World Behind. I picked up a lot of twinning effects between those two films as far as predicted programming and decoding (algorithms) goes, they are not far off from one another. So, that means the warning signs are very egregious.  


Spiritual Comrades, I want to express an emphasis on the fact that I am not going to decode either of these films but to highlight the tonal vibrations that are emitting from predicted programming. The volume of predicted programming and mass control is very damnable because the collective has not yet seen what the elites or ancient lords/governesses have in play for the world.  


It is beyond the control of the Elites or the one percent that binds the world, it is the Creator who laid out the foundation of the universe and The Most High, the Sovereign Being is the one behind the script. 


The quote “One ring to bind them, One Ring to Rule them all” echoed through tonight’s meditation, it was a line quoted from Lord of the Ring sequel. As I mentioned in my previous entry something about connecting the dots is very important to our walk because it will show us the whole picture of who we are as individual or as collective. Each puzzle represents our fragmented destiny.  


On the other hand, we get the chance to see who our true Maker is because we are also born to testify to what governed our existence and the fiber of our makeup. We have one chance to indebt our souls and to lead our cells into a victorious immortality.  


Another thing I must point out is that there are a lot of social trends doom about New York city and its’ fate. In my Ka (inner oneness), I had to question their consciences because they are too similar and controlled. Before this letter goes any deeper, I am not writing to you to offend you or your teachers. I am writing to you as a humble servant of Creation. I am writing out of love encouraging you to expand your mind beyond your own comprehension. I implore you to think not as a trilling parrot but as a calculating being. 


Anyways, about New York City, there was a warning for many people to get out of New York City because of the prophecy that hinders New Yorkers to remain their grounds in safety are not widely understood by these so-called buzzards known as false prophets. Today, in my meditation on multiple events, the truth behind New York’s fate or major cities came to fulfillment. I want to expunge the fact that it is all bad news as they put it because I heard the Spirit also talking about the end times.  


“What shall be at the end shall be in the beginning”.  


This is what I heard as the talks of New York City came to surface on the physical and in the Spiritual. The latest buzz was pestering by two women, Ms. Celestial and Conjure. This message should not be excluded from this letter as I am explaining today’s developments all around us.  


So, what does that mean for city dwellers? Well, technically this mainly focuses on the Northern Hemisphere of eco-constructs, but since advanced technology plays a huge role covering the whole world, the prophecy requires people to return to their original homeplace or birthplace – whether if it is a star or soul of a machine (the chip).  


For those who are born under an artificial timeline, whether they be cloned, hybrid, or a child of a Nephilim seed, they must pay a homage to their birthright. This fate also speaks for people who manipulated someone else’s star link (ley lines and cosmic blueprints), they will require to relinquish the keys to its rightful owner. Now, for those who are born of soil, ground or Earth, they will start to experience either grounding or imprisonment effect to their transformation because we are at the end of a time going back to original state of thoughts and order. It is a demand from time itself – Lord of Time answer to no being, gods and mortals alike.  


This means people who are city dwellers (or those who were descendants of master builders of civilized nation) will get to experience the reconstruction of a timeline. They will have to report to duty of building and breaking mounds. The numbers of builders come in heap and not in few because they have been feeding from a machine/technology for a very long time.  City Dwellers in technical age are considered very fast paced and conducted. At the beginning of time, city dwellers are usually clustered with the same atomic energy. Some patches here and there are numbered and divided in packs so that they can have different experiences coming together to form a layer of a constructional framework. For example, to build a civilization, it needs experts in pulling, pushing and piling something (an object or subject) to come/mold together and play their role conjointly in forming a creation. By saying this proves that there is a Grand Conductor orchestrating the skillsets of each star.  


Now, as I have already explained to you the background of City Dwellers in two different timelines, the ancient and the present, the Northern Hemisphere including New York City, or the northern part of the world will experience a frozen period of movement which means that the northern parts of the world will be in a deep rest (recession/hibernation). The word ‘recession’ must be understood in a spiritual sense because it does not mean the Northern Hemisphere is corrupted or in a downward spiral. The understanding of this mission must be whole under the Fire and Ice rituals (incantations) because during the very first early stages of human migrations, the northern hemisphere was going through ice and electric storms. Ice and Electric Storms (blue light beams) were considered one of the earliest sparks of life.  


Dear servants of many Creations, I say to you, do not be fooled by their current definitions because we are buried deep under many layers of overlapping tombstones (Earth’s constructs).  


The role of a Northern Hemisphere is to transmute and transmit energies to many different parts of the world or in a creation sense, the body of cosmogeny. The Great Spirit is now correcting many people with how they dream dreams or proclaim they hear the word from God because I took the hardest fall, I choose to listen the Highest Frequencies through distortion (bypass). Another thing that must be corrected is the term “high frequency”.  It does not mean everyone should be spreading love and sing “Kumbayah” or all that human nonsense. To vibrate on highest frequency is to also suffer prosecution, it is also known as foregoing severe correction of self. 


We are in a fallen state of celestial imperfections and some of us are required to understand and deactivate the fallacy of perfections. So many people are willing to accept the glistering errors of human understanding because it was based on simplicity of life.  


Being a celestial deity is continual maintenance – a job to maintain the vibrancy and balance of every element. We require to observe, obtain and obliterate. It is not just about wokeness or doing mundane labor to prove your self-worth. So, as we understand the functions of living, this is where Matthew 13, the whole chapter, comes into play in trajectory to Revelation 13 because our God gene depends on it.  


Matthew 13 is about parables of Life in a simpler form, but it is very broad and subjective to those who are original seeds of the Cosmic Waters (Earth). The Book, the Foundations of Life requires our undivided attention to every detail of our existence.  


The title of this letter is humorously connected to what is revealed in today’s prophecies because the new Civil War is embedded with so many sonic waves and impetus. This civil war as well as the other movie, Leave the World behind also embed a clue which obviously attacks your drunken intelligence.  


Their type of wizardry caused many to stumble in their delusions.  


They need an increase of noise (sounds and volumes) from the masses to distort them out from the voice of the Great Spirit. Many people cannot hear their own subconscious mind mutating into something they wish they never thought to become. I admit, it is a clever way to trick weak cells into obliviousness (void). Many become nothing and worthless.  


Now, what I just said may be in contradiction to the prophecy of City Dwellers. But my doves, I beseech you that the message is not in contradiction, I offer a different dose of reality where the Book of Life speaks of spiritual separation from the wheat and tares, or the division between wickedness and righteousness.  


Each category of atomic consciousness will be forced to eliminate the weak nuclei of the cosmic body. So, in other words, the power of timelines does not focus on one galaxy at a time but all universes at once. One must admit that this generation is witnessing a unique period of a lifetime because while being at the end of an era, we get to see how things play out right before our eyes like we are watching ourselves in a play. We are the audience and actor/actress.  


This is truly a Supernova event.


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