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Songs of Sayuri

April 20th, 2024

Greetings to all Beings alike,  

As we dive further into our ascension process, we become heralds of words and wisdom. Sometimes we say little while other days we speak with power and authority. We can profess with so much to say. Wisdom is an amplification of our personal growth. So, with Songs of Sayuri, I have adventured to a school of celestial thoughts where speech is extremely delicate, eloquent, and poetic.  


The Asiatic world is not our last stop to complete our ascension protocol, but in those regions, they possessed a zenith of our original superpowers. They play a role as a “grand finale” in our self-mastery; they represented challenge and refinement. I also understood the fact that the natives of Asian culture will also reach its peak with the fact that they have come to a full circle. They also endure a breakthrough that they have never experienced before. While I take an account for transformation and ascension, the native-born Asian citizens are foregoing a different dose of change which would be sacrifice before honor.  


Traditionally, they would do the honor before sacrifice type of sabbatical ritual but in this season, the “universe” would require of them to understand the truth of who the original writers of their existence are. During my experience in making this journal, I also encountered another butterfly with a broken wing. I realized when we are at the end of our physical transformation, we must reach a special destination with a broken wing (as an injured vessel) but with a lot of light encamped within the chi of our Ka. The broken wing represents two things, it shows that our spiritual flight was stung by an ancient spear (a mark). And we also experience another birthing process during a moment of decay. The butterfly’s wing reminds us of angels falling into this dimension with wounds. See, according to the book of manifestation (the Bible), it talks about transformation, supernatural injuries, and healing in a brink of extinction or in the process of death from a very mysterious perspective. I can easily identify the beauty of pain or experiencing death-like symptoms while being in the orb of lights.  


Truly, a butterfly has taught me so much throughout my life on how to embrace transformation and to be exceptionally different from many other people. I have learned how challenging it is to be set-apart from common design of creation, yet I am rewarded with living.  


I suppose as I write this revelation, the eclipse surely has something to do with how I express the words of the Spirit. So, along with the constructions behind Songs of Sayuri, the emergence of our physical manifestations are shredded pieces yet interwoven as puzzles in creation. Like, in another book of Luminaries, Remember our Mortality/Memento Mori (book 5 out of 5) and Alice in Wonderland, in its construct, I also travelled through an skewed earth in which later confirmed through the mouth of a babe where she talked about an article published pertaining to Earth being reshaped or resized as a result of post-eclipse.  


Yesterday in the room of the Spirit was discussing how our paths are reshaped after entering the gate of narrowness. In other words, the vitality of experiencing true spiritual ascensions is already seen when there is evidence of certain downloads which occur on a macro level and of course in a phenomenal way that cannot be explained by humankind. 


Songs of Sayuri happen to be scripted from a pastime but it is meant to be activated later, today. And what I found interesting is that with Songs of Sayuri, there is power of water contributing to a dragon frequency. This recent statement is not to articulate the question of why a dragon demands water but to equip the potential power that a dragon may possess at this time. Water helps neuter the dragon when it becomes volatile or when the consciousness of self over radiates or overheats.  


Water brings balance to a battleground between earth and heavens. Even in our transformation from an old body to a new representation, water is also visible to neutralize our quickening. See, the word “quickening” was also heard during this process once again. I suppose it was mentioned again because we did not fully understand what it meant this time.  


If anyone utterly understood spiritual manifestations, the idea of quickening would cause a massive crack within the vault of heavens today allowing us to see the cosmic playground. We have seen or heard different stories about what is happening in our astral skies, but I continue to be reminded those events are very deceptive. The true manifestation starts within us. So, to speak, this also proved a Cherokee story about an owl, moon, and an ox. Those creatures of the Earth were having a conversation with the Great Spirit about the soul of men (flesh). The Creator wanted to know where He can hide the soul of men. The creatures offered the Creator various places like the sea, high in the clouds, below the earth. The Creator decided to hide the souls of men within them. So, when I quickly summarized the story, the moral of it rings to spiritual ascension processes that is happening today.  


It is interesting to reflect on the idea that the soul that hides within our physical body is developing at a rapid rate. Finally, I want to close this chapter with an philosophical description of the lilies blooming in a valley. When I heard the Spirit speaking about lily in the valley, it was downloaded in different areas of making this journal or behind my ascension process.  


The lily of the valley is a multi-dimensional perspective in which comes with several levels of spiritual understanding. One dimension of a lily is also a conglomeration of transformations and transcensions because in transformation processes, we are expected to embrace purity and holiness. Sometimes there are distinct types of sanctification processes. In fact, during the eclipse, I was picking up a lot of immaculate energies around me. 

A signature of an AEther Bender
my signature


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