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Secretions of Today's Yoni

Written on February 12th, 2023

A black wombman swimming through the cosmos
Secretions of Today's yoni


Coming home from a four-point six mile walk to and from, around the mall and walking back to work, I picked up something remarkably interesting within my vibrations. I have given some thoughts on what I was smelling or observing.

Mind you, I am still wearing my 3-ply mask. I wear them only in large establishments or crowds. I still do not have my full trust in man, so it is better to be safe than sorry. Not only that, but I am also protecting my client who is an elderly lady whose immune system is oftentimes compromised. Through the mask, I smelled secretions from the flesh.

The sensitivity or the heightened smell of flesh came back. My smell has become optimal in sense of alertness and protection. See, I was smelling decay and death long before the pandemic. I can smell a person eating too much pork or if they are sick. Before the pandemic, I was not wearing a mask, so it is hitting the hairs inside of my nostrils. But now, the odor is not insulting me, my gifts also kept me in check with current social norms. When I first realized the gift of smell, I had a challenging time understanding why I smell death and decay. With time, I began to detect the difference between clean spirit and filth.

I will elaborate in a minute.

So, when I smelled so much secretion from a lot of women’s yonis, or flesh, I must apologize in advance if I have insulted anyone especially women in all trades of life. It was a quick decipher, I should say, the Spirit was very direct and quick once I asked myself this question, why am I smelling that?

There are three parts to this message.

One, the progesterone rituals are highly active among the young generation. The vibes were very uneasy – their natural musk no longer have a value to uphold a supernatural society. This statement goes hand to hand with spiritual disconnectedness. The Spirit began to show me glyphs or glimpses of my previous research on the womb and wounded traumas. A lot of people are not healing properly but they can star trek their consciousness. Young generations today compared to my generation at their age, they are far advanced in their “woke” segments. We already know that.

In fact, this episode corresponds to what Melanie said in her recent commentary about young generations. She mentioned something about the trends of TikTok, Melanie picked up a lot of lostness among this generation. She gave good and bad outlook about these children but her mundane principles and spirituality are still strong. It means that I observed that her predictions are like other spiritual teachers, who still have their attachments to physical logic and reasonings. As I said before, any spiritual teachers or healers who have children will not pass the highest decree of spiritual elevations. I broke all of that down in my previous blogs (healing thy womb). In that chronicle, I explained why. This time, one of the “recurred” trees was shown in this observation. The tree was interwoven with tree of life (kybalion) and how the tree became fully matured.

With the progesterone rituals, they continue to loop the cuffing season. Errors of human minds has widened itself in the same way as the Bible use to describe the wide path leads to destruction while the narrow path leads to immortality.

I also realized that there are few teachers today who have taught on their platforms on how to do “love” or “sex” magick without proper introductions and instructions.

The second message comes from the wounded traumas – it opens doors to a lot of complications. Once again, there are “spiritual teachers” out there telling us that today’s children are the incarnation of ancient ones.

I digress on that topic because of the looping effect. Why would a deity want to come back repeatedly to the same mess that they try to get out of in the first place? Some would say that the ancient ones are here to help us go back to our first estate. There are stories in regards of why nobles, pharaohs, and other upper-class elites of the old were mummified because they strongly believe in reincarnation. However, now, chosen ones have the option to incarnate themselves and the ancient gods/goddesses face celestial tribunals. While the others are simple-minded, I am going to simplify the fact that no one should ignore the tools that were already presented to us before we could obtain them. In other words, I have heard this a lot lately on why would a women go to different men like a revolving door having babies with them. The men were not there to support a home but playing homerun with life.

If a women recognize her mistake and establish her worth, the errors of repeating the same mistakes would not occur. There will be innovative programs, new equations, downloads, and gateways begin to open. In that sense, it will consider an ascending womb. This goes the same way for men who should choose the practice of semen retention. The benefits of semen retention are to build the god gene within their seeds.

Right now, with women not valuing their standards and essence, the womb starts to strain itself which is why it is producing some kind of secretions that is foul – insulting Mother Nature in a way. I am in awe because people constantly support that type of behavior. It is as if human descension is a new ascension.

Of course, everything is backwards.

The last message is associated with the fruit of the womb. A flower of heavens should always be sweet smelling, addictive and clearing/touching the soul type of aroma. When I smell them... before I continue, for clarification, I must state that I was not standing close to them to whiff everybody. I can smell them from 3 or 4 feet away. Then when they walk past me, the secretion follows.

When I was growing up, my nose would be overly sensitive. I can smell smoke from afar before the sound of fire trucks starts wailing down the street, you understand. So, I have not recalled a time where a women’s secretion is cut loose unless they just had sex. You mean to tell me everyone I walk past by just had a hanky panky within 45 minutes time span? So, the sex part was clearly ruled out and the Spirit focused more on the manifestation of today’s womb. Well, do not get me wrong, the sex rituals are still performed to this day however the secretion from women’s yonis are moving pass the stage of Sodom and Gomorrah. This time, it is to be worse than the previous challenges. The fire bending period has increased exponentially to the point where some of us must have the power of spirit fire to endure the pain of supernatural manifestations.

See, that goes back to the ritual of attraction, it always backfires. It may seem like it is working at first, but people experience the misfortune of self-stabilization. I am sure that when they perform or sprayed their own secretion perfume on themselves, there is only one or two things on their mind, Sex and Baby (tarp and trap).

I heard the word tarp in the room of the Spirit as I type. So, secretions are fluidity substances that evaluate the Ph balance in your body (water). Not on your body, but inside the body. Once a person releases “water,” “secretion” or “semen,” it acts as a cover cloaking a person’s antennae until the mission is accomplished. A prey or victim will not be able to see the true intentions of their predators. There is something going on within the soul of women. In its’ aspects, the soul of today’s generation is infiltrated with so many unnecessary emotions, energies and thoughts. There are a lot of thoughts or emotions that are minor, and they are not needed for high vibrational transitions like this one at this hour.

Anyways, I am back to where I started with women are required to start valuing their oneness. A lot of us need to repair our ancestral grounds (soil and blood). Also, the smell of their secretion being exposed to me denotes that most women have not had the time to cleansing themselves.

It is bad enough when your hormones are traveling through your pores and your clothes. In the olden days, the hormones worked in murky and muddy waters where they liked to be hidden and tamed. But now, it is all out in the open. And what is worse, they must cloud it with cheap chemicals like vanilla musk perfume or something.

I understand, it is a spiritual thing not a mortal thing. There are few of us that have the gift of heightened sensory system. Some of us can smell every ingredient from a glass of wine or some can smell spiritual manna from another dimension. The point of today’s messages is to acknowledge your séances and the hidden attachments that must be dealt with before advancing forward into a new dawn.


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