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P Hotep Phoro

Written on January 04, 2023

This is one of the most desirable altered journals made for the most recent Artist Row 2022 where I participate along with other skillful creationists and visionists to display our skills. I was “blessed” to gain a few insights of why many people want to buy it, but they must make wise decisions if they should get it or not. For one, the price at that time was not at the right temperature for free spending. Secondly, some of them saw other things on my table that are worth more than the dinosaurs. Third reason comes with most of them not dinosaurs' fan. I have met many people who respectively are following the latest trends of mysticism and retro arts. Most of them are looking to invest in ethereal arts.

This book comes with so many cute illustrations of baby dinosaurs but with a hint of shabby chic and nature.

P Hotep Phoro is heavily wired with earth energies. This journal is looking for the home of a wandering soul who at a lot of times daydreams of ideas and fantasy. Always keep in mind my craft comes with a personal meaning, experience, and inspiration. P Hotep Phoro is a second generation of P Hotep Horus, I was under a Phosphorescence Frequency (2020). To put together my first and second commentary on this work gave me a better understanding of the value of elements, specifically earth. I get to see the energy of Mother Nature winding up but slowing down at the same time. This is to also explain why hurricanes as of lately have been slow moving storm but gaining strength as they move across the waters. It goes the same for any other super storms, they are showing a different pattern of coming on land as a church mouse then they start “wreaking havoc” like a bio-engineered lab made rabid infested rat.

In accumulation, the observation on the density of natural energies amplifying their forces – I find the messages to be lined up since I last wrote a blog about a waking vision of baby dinosaurs in the skies. Also, there was another vision earlier last year of 2021, I shared the fact that I saw maggot looking eggs and babies turning to a full-blown adult in matters of seconds. In some of the pages, there are illustrations of eggs hatching and it convinces me to buy the digital kit by LaViePrints (March 2022). One of the trending subjects celebrates the end of the year (December 2022) with a loud buzzing alarm. EctoLife was a sirenian for the children of Men. I took it as a good sign but fearful because in the Maggoty Dream, the way I was tiptoeing to find out what is in the cave and how I reached to decide. I did not have time to plan.

So, from a spiritual perspective, I decided to make a journal related to dinosaurs and dragons because it is also an affirmation of ancient beings have made their landing/grounding on Earth. To acknowledge the symbolism of “dinosaurs” or “dragons” does not always reflect the personification from the beasts of the Earth but pointing out the timeline. In fact, I have an earlier encounter with the spirit of “dinosaurs” as a preschooler, barely 5 years old where I can feel the vibrations of a large animal walking on the ground. It used to scare the heck out of me. Fast forward to the time where P Hotep Horus energy was activated (March – July 2020), I slowly gained the illumination of ancient mysteries behind ancient animals. Sabre-Toothed Tiger and a Griffin was another animal that I picked up long before I invoked P Hotep Horus energy, but Sabre-Toothed Tiger and Griffin were the significators of a beginning to an end.

No, it is not a terrible thing to acquire a powerful element from an old crossroad in your life before you understand it. I remind you once again that celestial beings who are spiritually sent on earth as flesh always come with keys.

See, keys are multi-dimensional effect/afford/action to either fine tune or solidify a destiny that is uniquely made for ancient deities in whom they re-incarnate so many times or descend and ascend. P Hotep Phoro in a unique way also represents a farewell to old soils that were toiled and churned so many times and it has reached full captivity to be earth without force-feeding the source. Earth is now in an age where they understand unyielding supplication of life and depositions. Earth is at the point where global harvest needs to be activated but for the last time. The latter supplications are not what ancient beings will require to collect because Earth is heavily incorporated with metallic substances such as lithium and titanium. Everything is now infused with liquid metal and liquid metal is so advanced that it can respond to what a conscious mind sees, wants, or feels. Suppose a conscious mind is full of anger, the responding agent will articulate the thought for you in real time.

That part is what makes the future so frightening because the human mind is not advanced enough to even out their emotional mind and become fluid with liquid technologies. So, P Hotep Phoro or P Hotep Horus was the most crucial incantation for 2019 through 2022 before stepping into a time warp. Well, I can go on and on explaining this energy and the domino effect of it. I wanted to explain the timeline where dinosaurs (large beasts), physically, came onto this planet (plane), they are immensely popular with caverns and nesting themselves in bundles of close-knitting forests (portals). They were able to emit high elemental frequencies except that they were not civilized in logic and thoughts until the existence of man came to play. Dinosaurs were considered “first cultivators” of the Earth, breaking down hard rocks to pave a way or lining out the veins of creation, mending the soil into softer pieces, be of assistance to sculpting mountains and let their backbones be the germinators of wheat and vegetations. They too went through fire and ice to constitute new waves of transformations.

So, from a mental (metal) language, spirit beings know that earth is becoming a beautiful elemental, but it is humans that will become ash to the last set of fertilization. This journal is excellent for a person who finally embraced their last breath as a human being or is in the process of letting go of the temptation of carnal school of thoughts and start stepping into the advanced mind of universal consciousness. I still have not yet explained the symbolism of “PH” in Phoro, but I can only say that I also acknowledged the fact that this transformation requires ultimate balance of Self.


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