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Monarchy and Maidens

September 26th, 2023

A Maiden into a Monarchy

This may be a very heavy blog and should be published publicly without any stress of signing up for access to my site. In this significant entry, all Powers and Praises are forever due to the Most High and Keepers of Celestial Kingdoms.

First, I will start with an update on Arts with Neteru. There is a lot going on my end and the home studio is coming along very nicely. I also found the green light to go back to Frederick Douglas recites because there are some interesting things that came forth during my tour yesterday (Monday, September 25th, of 2023). Anyways, too many exciting things are happening....

The message behind Monarchy and Maidens was promoted to be declared this morning after having several visions last night, then I woke up reading different testimonies on women trying to conceive. Now, keep in mind, I have already gained so many insights and understandings on how the world turns and generations multiply.

When generations multiply, it decodes a definition of immortality in a temporal way and demonstrates an endless lifecycle in plain sight. Recognizing immortality should help people understand the capabilities of a Supreme Being. The Almighty Power can supply infiniteness through birth after birth as well as the ability to exalt a vessel beyond its’ imagination.

A lot of people, including me, struggle to remember or accept the fact that the flesh is a temporary shell and the spirit or soul within a vehicle is merely fulfilling a purpose or destiny. So, as I was reading about women’s difficulties conceiving, I heard the Spirit talking about a conflict between desiring to have children and having children to mature a familial tree. The conflict is so great, and a lot of births are conceptualized based on desire and not by supernatural blessings.

See, if it were by and for the blessings of the Stars, a lot of families or societies would not be struggling with the idea of degeneration in humanity.

Unfortunately, we are in a degrading process of the mind and soul. It is without a doubt that people are saying it, but they do not realize how much they are contributing to the problem. Anyways, I have established the background of how Monarchy and Maidens started – a lot of women wanted to have babies against the Will of the Spirit. As we can see, this generation lacks a lot of spiritual wisdom.

Monarchy is enforced in this paradigm because the Earth is struggling to thrive majestically and keeping her crown (halo) clean. The Crown or Halo always represents our pineal glands, the fruit of our souls or the light of our chi (ka). Of course, we cannot tell people what to do with their desires and how they live their lives. But the problem is that those who teach ancient Khemet or mysteries failed to understand the message and meaning of propelling life.

Ancient Deities and Maidens understood the true meaning of conception and fully matured lotuses. They knew when a celestial chart reached its full circle, it was time for them to advance to the next star cycle. The requirements of advancing to the next star cycle is knowing the fact that we must experience living in different suits. The idea of Emperor having a huge wardrobe closet was significant in the room of the Spirit, showing me how with each passing cycle, we can transform into different avatar.

This concept or spiritual understanding is not found in this generation or timeline.

The message and spell came in so strong that many people are bound to repeat the same loop they are in into the next. I could not stress enough that the Spiritual World is very tired of us living in our inferior state of being. And yes, I am also referring to those who claimed to be very inquisitive in their spiritual nature. They too failed the test of knowing what it takes to surpass our third-dimension consciousness.


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