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Gaslighting and Psychic Vampires

October 18, 2022

There are so many things to discuss this week and this entry goes hand to hand with my earlier blogs. As I am typing my first reports on several subjects, I had to take a short interval on how to put this out. I had a message concerning Walmart and its’ buzz as of late, clarifying the word “Gaslight” and the difference between Dreams (Desire) vs. Destinies. Also, there was a message in the room of the Spirit emphasizing what 3rd Era means. Somewhere in between, there is a sign of an EMU that came to me on October 18, 2022. Then, I must clarify the understanding behind the Possessive Spell that has been going on for a while.

To talk about those things, I will release them separately as well as a book review on Jonathan Cahn’s “The Return of the Gods.” I finally had the chance to read most pages yesterday. I had a lot of time to do a quick hibernation. But first, I want to briefly summarize the Walmart issue because it seems like a lot of people jump into a bandwagon of delusions of why Walmart is closing. The Walmart Buzz has the same frequency as many having so-called prophetic dreams of wealth transfer. If one were to google Walmart’s closure, you will see that they have a long tracking history on closure as equally as a hype in generated buzz to boost digital currency.

Then, gaslighting and psychic vampires to follow.

Yesterday, I started off by saying;

“Many people took advantage of defining words to say what they want to feel it means not the definition itself. Definitions are meant to clarify a conversation across the board unless the person is highly creative with words – such as an author or poet. They have the talent to describe a word into a whole meaning with emotions and feelings. They could stick with the definition by any means necessary.”

I was going to remove the whole paragraph, and something tells me no, because see, people want to exalt their opinion above truth and that continues to be a problem today.

The Walmart Chaos

This morning I woke up with a message talking about Walmart. In a vision, which has no pictures but a sound narrator talking about how employees caused this type of “shift” to occur. According to the message, the Spiritual voice is accusing the employees of lack and slack. In the room of the Spirit made me aware of earlier documents released to the public about low paying employees, hiding immigrants (migrants, stowaways – it is better than calling them illegal aliens because most of them are running away from something to chase a false reality), Walmart was also responsible for contributing a lot of military intelligence. But this time it is more of introducing a combination of e-commerce marketplace and high-technical workforce.

Keep in mind that Walmart Corporate is still corrupted all around, but the employees have a lot to do with its shift because from time to time when I shop at Walmart, I see how the employees behave. Now, this is not a new issue. It has been going on for a while. Every time I go there, I just see more laziness, the store is not clean, it is not organized, and it is too noisy as in frequency blockage is running deep attached to their name. Some Walmart are quiet and people friendly. There is an enormous difference because the ones that are quiet are not superstores – there is less need for wants. Many who go to a superstore buy groceries and it attracts low vibrational entities or subjects (customers).

So, let’s be clear, 2022 Walmart closures is not new! People are responsible to backtrack the company’s timeline or milestone to see what causes the influx and efflux (rise and fall) of their corporate makeup.

Bottom line, do not fall for its hype, let it fall or acknowledge that it is a not new headlines that should be circulating across social media.

That is to speak why gaslighting needs to be discussed in profound manner because clearly people do not have the full understanding of what it means. I have heard this terminology three times in one week alone and both have a similar understanding that they have been gaslight, manipulated to believe one’s realities.

I finally spoke up this morning to some stranger talking about gaslighting under the subject of Jamaican beast system (those type of phrases was already set in motion during the lockdown) and here is what I said;

“Be aware that the government, the beast systems, or elites are not the only ones who do gaslight. People of lower classes are doing the same thing. Why do you think popular influencers have handlers? Those influencers are more than willing to take part…. therefore, they gaslight supporters and viewers, then the supporters/viewers take what they heard or see and then take it upon themselves to do the same thing without acknowledging the gaslighting and exploitations are being manifested among and within themselves into their homes, minds, souls, workplaces…… I noticed myself roaming through these contents trying to do the exact opposite of gaslighting because I already knew people are in deep trouble. I fought my way out of this to be strong enough to descend to social media and its norms. I am fighting against social media and technology. I also fight against false narratives. This channel is breached because of its ties that come with it. It could be simple as sharing a video from another platform and, the other influencer from a different channel is an agent and they may infect this one. Therefore, we see more growing bots on these channels because they attach themselves to gas lighters.”

So, earlier during the week, there was another person who came to me for an ear to listen to her current updates about her daughter’s schooling. Like I said to some people, carnal conversations are not my thing. She was talking about gaslighting. I told her if you would understand the term gaslighting to her consequences that she made in life, then it is not gaslighting because nowadays people are using the word “gaslighting” to avoid their own errors in a reality created by free will and free choices. Why do you think we hear the word “Pro Choice, Pro Life” lately and increasingly so?

Please do not misunderstand me, I am all for existence and everything in it. Just that I am in a time where I acknowledged the fact that we must remove the fabric of illusion even it means removing false narrations and opinions.

Anyways, the conversation carried on to the point where she helped me realized the difference between gaslighting and physic vampires even though they both have the same characteristics of sucking the life out of people or the energy forces of spiritual beings.

In spirituality, by addressing the issue of gaslighting, it proved that there is a primordial titan (older planets or red/yellow/orange nebulae stars) experienced energy absorption from smaller stars. In other words, if their energy needs to be charged, they need to plug into another vessel that is full of energy OR unaware of their energy signatures can be completely developed only if they choose to protect themselves from so called psychic vampires. This is to also explain why many people are soulfully draining themselves into nothingness. Their memories can be enhanced and engineered in another massive energy, planet, or constellation.

By saying this, this also should bring in light and understanding why 5 virgins full of oil in their lamps are hidden from those who are without oil. Also, in the Bible, it referenced to why people need to pray or meditate to be covered with Spiritual Protection. Not everyone has the divine protection or hedge over their existence because people expose themselves too much to their open adversaries – not necessarily a bad thing but can be a foolish thing to lose a life over lack of understanding. Their gateways are wide open for direct “attack,” consumption, or absorption. Psychic Vampires and Gaslighting work together but have different responsibilities. Gaslighting does not absorb people’s light but dilutes people’s focus and sheath. Psychic vampires absorb, steal, or consume.

Stealing an energy force came much later in a dispensation of an era or time because we are also dealing with soul swapping, swiping, and souls cheating their way out of consequences or something malicious coming for them specifically. I realized that I need to expound on that because those actions are proven and seen throughout the ages by invoking generational curses and signing soul contracts to exchange for something or someone. It is permissible but forbidden to many Celestial beings to take part in such evil behavior. See, that is another reason many people are in a hot mess with themselves. I must continue reminding people how deep they are falling into a Nihil creation. This goes back to why I started off with a message concerning Walmart because more retailers are moving into digital environments which no longer need human interactions. So, those with an ounce of humanity left within them will be severely destabilized by the fact that they have been replaced by machines.

The interesting part is those who have soul sucking roles are running out of space to absorb energies. This also explains why in the book of life it is said that eventually people will run out of ideas or light. In fact, it is happening right now. People are regenerating ideas as if they are new when they are not. Like old folks of my day always say, “You got yourself in this mess, you get yourself out of it.” So, if people really want to heal properly, detachment is highly needed and re-attach yourself to nature. This also applies to collective equally. Recorrecting ourselves is not an independent choice but it is for the sake of healing the body of multiple consciousness.

People need to stop exposing themselves to vampires and feeding into gaslighting energy because people are expanding the malevolence entities’ potency to over consume the human soul completely.


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