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Epiphany of the Soul

Released on October 24, 2022

As I wanted to share a very stern message that I heard in the room of the Spirit from yesterday (October 23rd) after another drive through our countryside, but I had to wait to see what I saw during my physical arrest. Arrest is another way of saying slumber but with the conscious-standing of sleeping and soul traveling. Lately during my lesser lights take charge of the day, it has been very uneasy despite other conditions may be involved. They are triggering a shift in our circulation – our nerves are shot up as if there is a combustion of blood racing to the end of our circulatory points, the tips of our fingers and toes.

I realized it is not physical. We must continue to keep in mind that this is all spiritual. The shift is still under spiritual command. Today at this hour, I started to remember reading something about our transformations – what to look for when we manifest. Then finally, I sat down to share a message giving the spirit a chance to title this entry.

I heard the word “Epiphany.” I first thought the word had to do with seizure like episode, but I was wrong. I had to look it up when listening to the Spirit Voice speaking concerning the matters of the Spirit. So ok, now I got the definition for Epiphany, and I am going to deliver what I heard yesterday.

At the countryside, there was a very dark energy lingering around somewhere and I could not innerstand where it was coming from. I was busy eliminating known stressors that are affecting high spikes in my blood pressure or nerves. The nerves are active, and it is causing rapid heartbeats or should I say, the adrenaline is working overtime.

The force in nature is extraordinarily strong.

The Spirit said, “the covenant is being removed from them.” That is all I heard. I kept quiet and observed carefully around their environment. People were outside working on their property; some were playing or biking. I even saw two Amish people with a horse – they were dressed in all black. I must say it is an exceptionally beautiful black horse. I did not think any more of it. Everything looks ordinary – mortal see mortal do.

However, the message stays with me with a hint of whimper. The density of the message was not stressing me out or in any way angry. I took account of my vibes, feeling incredibly nervous at the same time less frightened. The message may have nothing to do with me directly but maybe indirectly because the fuse is about to be lit. Again, like I said I did not see the full picture as I am typing this. I can say this entry is also spiritually led. It will reveal everything without me thinking too much about it.

Ok, the covenant is being removed is confirmed at 12:22am this morning. I arose exactly at that time with seeing a notification from a lady who titled her commentary on a news article circulating in political circles about 5 states have slavery on their ballots. I was awakened by another vision that was removed from me twice in the same week. I was not bothered by the fact that it was becoming a norm where I knew I did have a dream, but it vanished from my memory vortex. I just knew that it is temporary thing, I just do not know why or needed to know why.

I am not following its’ trend. In fact, I was aware of it earlier last month or so. It is unusual for me to ignore stories like that. When I saw the title of the commentary, there was a “ah ha moment!” The Spirit suddenly connected me with what happened several hours earlier.

From what I understand that this nonsense has to do with the upcoming elections. Five states want to activate slavery, but two states already continue slavery law with conning terminology that most people did not pay attention to or innerstand. So far it is 7 states that wants to continue slavery – it is a formal statement to continue black people on the bottom of the power supply. See, it goes hand to hand with incubation on some points. It may be a domino effect of everything that is happening again under the duress of repeating the same incantations. They are repeating history because that is all they know.

Now I have a question, which master is removing its covenant from them? Is it both? The reason I asked is because the energy in the countryside was overly complex. Complex is the best word to describe what I picked up yesterday.

There are other factors that were downloaded in my frequency relevant to what is happening now and behind closed doors. In this case, closed doors are not classified intel but with specific “human” breed in entirely is the biggest talk in the Room of the Spirit. The Most High is distant from this ordeal. It is possible that the Dark one is removing his covenant with them because there is a dark energy that does not agree with their plan or agenda.

That part makes me nervous because what these people are doing is purely forbidden. It seems like they are rushing or pushing for something to activate at all costs and by any means necessary. They do not care about anything – they feel that they must stay on top. Please, as I type, the dark forces that I know of are very logical people but articulate D Ra Cu L’s (not these draconian). The other side to its dark forces is not natural. There is a stiff between those two forces.

This type of frequency is rare known to the universe.

Right now, on earth, man’s ability to tap in that frequency without understanding the consequences behind it is causing the “neighboring universes” to flee. For the rest of us that are still in the flesh are experiencing blood pressure spiking and frequent adrenaline rushes is a sign of forced physical death. Our mortal bodies must die to transform. I have explained a quite bit in another blog, In a Twinkle.

Our inner bodies are reacting to something that is causing our spirits to flee this earth but at the same time we are remaining on our ground. It is as if we need to see the last clip of a grand encore being revealed. With the elections and returning physical slavery and abuse without any freedom of say back on earth makes everything feel so eerie.

Now, with yesterday’s message and today’s word on “Epiphany.” I want to stand clear; I am not looking at it from a super religious standpoint but from a defining keyword and how it applies to this entry. We are getting close to leaving this avatar. In fact, this is another reason I am nervous because it is inevitable. Epiphany is a word to describe “shining of a light, shining forth, a manifestation, an appearance, or a revelation.” According to my quick research to observe Epiphany is one of the oldest three observations conducted by earlier Christians. The Festival of Epiphany usually happens around January 6th – coincidentally on same day as the January 6th riot.

I had to laugh because the Holy Spirit exposed a lot! I am pleased to hear the reports that are delivered to me.

Anyways, to enter a new world of knowledge and realms is a big step for some of us, including me. Yet, we need to draw our last breath with a fighting chance because the only way to survive this transformation is to also know the battle moves in Celestial Megiddo – not the physical place as they describe it in the Bible. There are two twinning forces happening at the same time. As our body shifts or transforms, there is a line of corrupted Magis waiting in between dimensions to snatch succeeding souls.

We are required to bypass the conning moves of dark Magic such as so-called Queen Elizabeth and high order of fallen sects.

That is why it is extremely important to be always on guard even when our “human” minds are weary, we must stay sharp and connected with our spiritual armadas. They are our last resource/tool/key out before reaching to full luminary. The Elects must not hesitate to annihilate unnatural forces that are revamping for Earth’s last battle.

On the other hand, as I mentioned earlier “the covenant being removed from them” also symbolized those who did not prepare themselves for this is not making it. This message I received yesterday and today are true.

There are no hiccups in what is being revealed. I Am Fully Aligned!


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