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Dictations of Twenty Twenty-Five

Elements: Supernatural Wood, Fire and Water 

July 18th, 2024, at 10:08a 

AI Image of Alice into 2025


This is another part (vessel) to further explain the Gye Nyame Chants. This is not my first entry to share some spiritual movements in a timeline. Entries such as Fire and Ice, Lord Escrisbaño, and Creatus Creatio Constructus Incantation, they all have shown themselves and happened. Some of the highlights in those entries are transforming and are not yet in full illumination. However, this timeline is, in its’ transition, showing more supernatural decree than it would concern the matters of humankind. As always, do understand that today’s “predictions” are backed up by the events that already has unfolded on a worldwide scale including spiritually.  


There are also up-close visitations dispatched by unseen forces within my circulation (etheric circuits). For this entry, I should not swell upon those symbols to anyone but to explain what we will see in upcoming days.  


The pattern for the new timeline is very hypnotic and humorous yet it is sad because the new timeline will show us who is trapped in a clock or who are mice that ran the clock. The old lullaby called, “Hickory Dickory Dock” by Mother Goose.  


Hickory Dickory Dock. The mouse ran up the clock. The clock struck twelve, The mouse ran down, Hickory dickory dock. 


It is interesting that the wood elemental is being used in this speech (equation). I even wondered if it is a physical wood that would be affected by the fire elementals. See, the element wood is too significant and very ancient. They rose before mud and clay so they can be fire-resistant. Their bark can also tolerate water/moisture which is why it is extremely useful to understand the life of a cactus. Trees also can grow alongside moss/mold which can be beneficial for making healing potions. Most importantly, Trees provide shelter and warmth.  


Before I continue, this energy is specifically written for adept alchemists and sages. Please understand that using such energy that can surge our chi willfully is to also forgo poisonous plants that can strengthen our immortality. It can cause spiritual or physical death. I am not suggesting anyone to die in an erroneous and dreadful death. I strongly emphasized that anyone should be free from illusions and any mental sickness to know themselves.  


Also, I must stress the fact that you should be doing some light reading on Project 2025 and it is available on the internet for your personal study. The document consists over 900 some pages which is a very heavy book. Be mindful that Project 2025 is altered, manipulated, and tampered with. It is very crucial to understand all physical obstacles must be removed from you so that you can succeed in governing your oneness.  


I have laid down some ground aspects to you in preparation for successful spiritual transformation necessary for 2025 timeline. Oh, and one more thing, I have considered that the word ‘timeline’ is not describing as year-to-year basis but in the language of light speed. Things are moving in light instead of counting the days daily. The COVID timeline represented the end of the human age. Today there was a news circulating social media where Biden was sick with COVID. See, there is a deeper meaning behind this event and Biden represents the aging process of times – the collective and its system. It is also the end of this system and brings in a new one. The new system is what many should be mindful of because if the Green Wood Snake is placed at the beginning of a New System, it also brings in a lot of betrayal and deception at its finest unlike any timelines before us.  


But anyways, in the last entry I briefly explained that we are in a time where we go below the soul. The time also tells us we are to change up our spiritual garments. We are being fashioned with the 12 stones and crystals of Creation. See, I would not know about the redress of our spiritual garments until I started to pay attention to hurricane Beryl.  


When Beryl made landfall in Jamaica, I read that the hurricane went from category 4 to category 0 (tropical) in matter of seconds. Yes, Jamaica did share some of the damage with fallen homes and no electricity. Texas experienced no electricity for days and should be restored sometimes this afternoon. The point is, I stumbled across a video of a well-known Jamaican native living in England who calls herself a prophetess. Clearly, I do not consider her a prophet based on the few red flags, but her channel came across my notification by social algorithm. She was talking about what her mother said who is still living in Jamaica. She reflected Beryl as a mass Burial.  


I was stopped from listening too much of her commentary because she is of many of those who are stuck behind the clock. My energies could not tolerate any more of broken clocks ticking and tocking. At that time, a Spirit sat my ass down and made me to pay some attention to the keywords behind Beryl. Burial can be a reference to people who are on the lower consciousness spectrum. However, it is akin to the renewal processes at the end of a transformational cycle.  


The old you must decay to be reformed and shed some scales to birth a new supernatural body (1 Corinthians 15:35 – 58) ... 


Ok so, the Spirit took me to a scripture which talks about the Beryl stone. It is one of the 12 stones that is found on Celestial Breastplates representing the Tribes of Judah. Well, let me clarify the Tribes of Judah, we are not in a time where we focus on Judah’s bloodline, the 12 tribes of Judah are now a ‘spiritual Judah’ who has embedded the 12 steps of spiritual transformations.  


With Yin Yan, we are to connect 24 chi points of our souls (lights), which is why the Book of Life talks about how Christ was charged through his missions, his teaching and preparation of the soul. In each part of man, they are used as lessons or principle and sometimes as a classification from one seed to fully adept/fully grown. So, the supernatural elements and tools in this timeline are broken down into several parts and simplified.  


I included the spirit animal from the 2025 Chinese Astrology, Green Wood Snake. For some reason, the Chinese Celestial chart has been interwoven with many nations’ prophecies. One of the journals that I made for September 2024 art show called, Songs of Sayuri, during that time of in making Songs of Sayuri, I picked up a lot of Asiatic energy. They are very prominent and calculative. They are well connected to primordial waters.  


Anyways, the energies that I inherited during Songs of Sayuri are now becoming known and it answers to why we were to purify our inner chi this past winter/spring seasons. Because in this timeline we bounce back from being attacked with so many distractions (dimensions). Our crown became weary from overthinking and working. But it was not a period of rest, we went into a yogi meditative state where we were conscious of our surroundings. Our labor was in a sleep mode. It is different from a person or an animal going into a hibernation state but as a computer in a sleep mode while things are active in the background. This also explains why there are a lot of tik tok videos of today’s generation feeling so tired of working to survive and they are still grinding to the bone.  


Not too long ago, I also heard the Spirit explaining about two generations before us (today’s generation). A lot of them are being put to blame for being gullible, allowing machines to do our thinking for us. I was given a task to fully understand why my mother’s and grandmother’s generation must be held accountable for opening more cans of worms when things are trying to heal within the last baby boomers. Yet still, many Books of Life predicted a collective doom – failing to crucify the self (repent).  


The consequences of today’s movements are still targeting the collective without pointing fingers at any individual. Let that be understood before mastering the Chi of Yin Yan. The green wood snake is indeed parabolic and transcendental action because green (the color) reflects the heart chakra, snake represents transformation and deception. Then, we have wood which I already explained at the top of this entry. Then I began further my trek with the heart aspect of supernatural timeline, the snake revealed that it is in coil position whereas the tail is in the mouth of the snake.  

AI image of a green snake in a garden

It is a sign telling us that we are required to nullify physical life. In chapter 15 of 1st Corinthians explains beautifully about steps that are required to take as we go through the resurrection process. The book also explains what will need to be done to take away or added into our immortality. The spiritual manna given in this transformation is all things that are from the roots and green vegetables/fruits.  


This is where I leave you and let this energy marinate and seep into the lands of the Maze. There are more in-depth lessons that should be shared with whomever walks in the Spirit so that we can have a better understanding of evolution. However, it should not be leaked on any social platforms because people take advantage of this knowledge without putting any work into it (work without faith is dead). Still, I share some things with you to assist your travels in higher realms.  


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