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Butterflies and Diamonds

September 19th, 2023

Focal piece of a butterfly ephemera
Purple Butterfly and Gems

There is a magical journey behind this journal, and it started with a beautiful white butterfly, Pieris Rapae (Cabbage White Butterfly) that I saw at the end of winter season of 2023. I was sitting in the car at a red light watching something fluttering around a sleeping wheat bush and to my amazement, it was a pure white butterfly with small black dots. It is as big as a monarch butterfly but white as snow.

So, with this journal, I decided to incorporate its experience with a touch of purple, diamonds, resin, amethyst chipped stones, and gold embellishments. During my course of making this book, I went through a lot of physical transformations. I already testified about some of my transformations in my previous blogs and this book is a confirmation to one's walk.


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