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Celestial Subpoena is Served Upon Ye
December 9th, 2021 

Codes of United Nations

Finally at this hour I can sit down and give all my glory and praises to the Most High and ancestors of the Sanctified and Perfection,


In this entry I will be covering some things that I have been watching for three years and some change pertaining to spiritual crimes against natural order of existence.  There will be another entry concerning some sinister and viral playbook that was performed upon mankind but first I must explain the occurrences that were going on behind closed doors.


Not too long ago during their thanksgiving season I had another vision which caused me to keep to lip-tighten my mouth about it until the time is right.  I want to give my deepest gratitude to Big Levi and a sister because they made a bold move to share a vision, she had concerning world officials and diplomatic administrations such as United Nations or CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention).  I am fortunate enough to hear their testimony and profound research on several news publications in which I will also share links throughout this entry.


Most importantly, this entry plays a very important role in advocating truth over strange fiction.  See, right after I listened to the sister’s testimony, I immediately searched for one of my old eth-ciphers to correspond.


October 15th, 2019, was the last time I uploaded an image showing codes behind the logos of United Nations and UNICEF using some definitions; Slash, Backslash and Cross.    


During that time frame, there were whispers among spiritual beings concerning womb hijacking and other related events such as Planned Parenthood backlash.  Of course, Planned Parenthood have a long history with um, human manipulation I should say.


Matter as fact, September 2019 some of us got a scripted hit list of well-known names being ordered for execution or military arrest.   Before I continue, there is (was) a dedicated voice back then for speaking out against political corruption – her strongest expertise or focus was targeting California electrical systems and other stuff.  Her name is Deborah Tarves.  Maybe some of you can pick up her trail (bread and crumbs) by understanding what I am about to share.  I also say this because there is a huge chain of effect going on in which lead up to December 2nd, 2021’s event in New York City.


Again, I must give more thanks to Big Levi for paying attention to original details before stories changes.


To view the video of Big Levi and Sister Maria taking about her vision and related events:


Ok, now that I have established the background of the causes for me to uproot a three-year-old investigation.


The Vision


I too had a vision around the same time she confessed hers with Big Levi on or around November 24th, 2021, but it was much different yet twinning – insofar as supernatural judgment is involved.  My vision was very dark, and I was watching a cloudy charcoal colored silhouette of people sitting on a table.


It did not show me people’s houses but a table full of food and people was laughing and having a good time.  And I continue to observe because I am (was) aware that the dream was mysterious and questioning why it is dark.


Then I heard a spirit voice speaking to me and said to me not to eat from the food they give.  It continues saying, they surely will die from it.  It sounds familiar, doesn’t it?  When I was listening to the spirit explaining to me what I was seeing, the tone in its speech was calm but full of sadness.


So, I woke up thinking about what I just saw…


The vision did not overthrow my day-to-day routine, but I took heed as it is a dire warning that things are going to get very real and disturbing.


See, before I continue, when a spirit speaks to me, I can identify that the spirit is very old and uses a language that is familiar with time being replayed (the nothing new under the sun effect).  Sometimes, they are very echoing, so I know it is another dimensional being from a different time.  But at all times, they are very clear in their vocalizations when making emphasis on any crucial messages given.  


I kept watch for the vision to unfold and where it may lead me.  So, two days later, the media started to buzz about the Omicron variant.  I said OK, that is the first part of the vision where there is a gathering – a gathering that caused an outbreak.   So, I continued to listen for the second part, because the vision was flat out giving me the consequence from eating and being merry during a holiday.


Now this is the most important part, Big Levi and Maria with her vision on December 3rd, 2021, titled as Hebrew Prayer 12 O’clock December 3, 2021 “UN on Trial, Maria said something about judgment.  Part of her dream/vision was talking about the United Nation wanted to talk with her and so on forth.


So fast forward, they also talked about a Floridian man who drove all the way to New York City just to serve some papers but with bolder moves.  He did it with a shotgun.  It is all over the news.  I have enclosed a link from one of the news sources talking about that (United Nations: Man with shotgun wanted to deliver papers to UN, police say; charges are pending - CNN).


Attentive Detail – the Master Key


There are several clues from that new story of a Floridian man who did everything peacefully but with a threat to submit a folder to the United Nations with a bold letter saying ‘JUSTICE’ on the front of the folder.   This specific information about the description of what is on the front of the folder was removed from the news; they immediately changed the story and classify it as medical paperwork and hospital bills.  


I am in agreement with Big Levi about that little detail.


Because I read the story myself – I love to validate anyone’s reporting to see if I can receive the same access of information that was given to them as I.  But what is more disturbing is the man’s overall mental health.  He seems to be very humble and cooperative.  There is a video of him working with the police and everyone was pointing their gun at him from roof tops and stuff.  And they never mentioned reported his name (as of December 9, 2021).


There are several reasons why news media won’t identify a person name is if the person is a minor, family needs to be notified first before making public, or it is classified.  The man is beyond his prime and he is not dead either.  Scenarios such as this and making incredible and life-threatening decisions, I am pretty sure anyone wants their name to be publicized in to support their submitting evidence especially when certain laws are involved.


It is true, it is a decree or divine judgment not because they said it, but because of my vision – The Supreme Being and ancestors want us to know what is going on behind crookedness.  The United Nations and UNICEF is officially now our business!  We have the rights to declare righteous judgment against them and ALL corporations for unlawful entry of our personal rights and they are responsible for humane violations.  UNICEF is responsible for a lot of secret trades pertaining to human nature.


What is done in the dark always come to light.


After I managed to find what I was looking for in the last few days, I managed to hear another spirit voice during my waking life talking about if 2 prophets are not enough, the Spirit Fire will send out 70 more to testify against wickedness through visions and dreams.


One man and they changed the story; they did not take heed of his deliverance.  They mocked the celestial summons and now they are facing more charges by dealing with undefined phenomenon.  It is imperative to understand that no one on earth will be able to defile a supernatural order by themselves.


It takes a collective with divine intervention to overthrow spiritual and physical tyranny. I am beyond amazed how I was able to witness folly among us.   It is sad that the spirits are saddened by the minds of our current generations.


It baffles me sometimes whenever I am in the presence of someone who says they are awaken to truth yet couldn’t find the time to disconnect and annihilate an invisible war that continues to violate our inner peace.  


The same war that prolongs our dormant spirit into a deathless sleep is still raging upon us.  I am in continual awe.


Matter as fact, UN, UNICEF, CDC, Metaverse, Google and all of them never want us to wake up and get closer to our true divinities.  And what is worse, after hearing a spirit telling me not to eat from the food they eat (give), it was so broad (generalized, collectively) and it refers to anyone who is partaking corruption without questioning the foundation of our current moralities.  We are not questioning the abnormalities of normal.  Many of us are not identifying the error or the loop. See, that is why the man has to exercise his sanity by being truly cooperative just to show whoever is really paying attention to the times we are in.  Things are getting very um, interesting.   This 60 some years old fella did not show any sign of taunt.  He was thinking when he paced back and forth for a bit.  I sincerely hope that more people start questioning everything even query their own existence.


I can understand why many people are far disconnected from natural realities.   Many of us are not evaluating our attitudes and how we are projecting our words or speech.  It is sad that we are a very perverse, attentive-whoremongering and warmongering generation.


Celestial Subpoena is Served: The Supper


This entry is the second part of my previous account expanding on the part where I saw people eating and having a good time.


See, when that new variant flips the green switch among the masses, I could see a glimpse of my vision that weekend when they announced on November 26th, 2021, the day after thanksgiving.  I said to myself uh-oh, there it is.  I got on top of it with many angles.


Then that Monday, should be uh around the 29th of November I believe.  The first thing that came on 6 O’clock morning news was how people were trending on the meaning of omicron as 15th letter of Greek alphabet and so on forth.  I said to myself, of course, people talk too much on social media now even though they ignored the warnings of private rights being taken away.


Private rights come in many forms now including private thoughts and creativity or uniqueness.


But now, I observed that people are hive with how they are trended as if rarity is harder to find.  For example, if it is a hot topic, everybody talks about it.  Or, when one has a platform on hair care, there are 1 hundred million platforms that are talking about the same thing.  Uniqueness is very delicate in this world today.   Everything is all about approach and making yourself marketable but not about genuine work that thinks of everything from usage and consumption.


I am not here selling myself but to help others to find themselves in working with nature.  I guide people away from being caught up in too much holographic trap.  Creativity is art not an illusion. Creativity never prostitutes itself to be shown.


Ok, enough about the beauty of creativiness…, the truth of matter is that selling your thoughts before creating your thoughts in fruition caused spell casters to use it against a lot of human beings.   This type of trending of people’s interest in researching on what it means behind words scientists and politicians are casting out and now newscasters are casting out what people are researching on national news outlets….


This action also proved me that they continue to flip and switch.  It also equates the fact that people are eating too much knowledge without spiritual discernment.


Omicron is not that simple.  It is a complex variant which is why “they” said it is a mutation of Delta and so-called Mu variant from the same corona incantation spell.  Omicron has about 5 or more layers of incites – in other words its manmade, spiritual and angelic forces.


It is also alphanumerical spell.


Spiritual beings cannot isolate its code as a Greek origin but also from Hebrew codices.   Of course, there is an also ancient rite being performed when “they” cooked up those types of plagues, which requires the right otherworldly keys to unlock it.


Omicron relates itself as a final supper of human era.  So, yes, some of us were right on the nose when it comes down to realizing that it is a spiritual shift.  The physical ways of living have no power over supernatural forces – which is why the Book of Life speaks of every mortal will bow.   The parable runs deep because it also shows us that mortality is temporary (temporal) but also act as a probation period for us to experience tangible fallacies and wondrous works.

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